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Our Marae

Our Marae is currently undergoing renovations and will be closed for bookings until further notice.


Marae Pepeha

Ko Tākitimu te waka

Ko Tamatea Arikinui te tangata

Ko Kahuranaki me

Te Mata O Rongokako ngā maunga

Ko Ngaruroro te awa

Ko Takaparata te taniwha

Ko Kārewarewa te manga roa

Ko Hikawera Tuarua te wharenui

Ko Hinetemoa te wharekai

Ko Ngāti Rāhunga i Te Rangi,

Ngāti  Poporo, Ngati Pahu,

Ngāti Pouwharekura ngā hapū

Ko Ihaka Kāpō te urupā

Mangaroa Marae is situated approximately 10 km from Hastings CBD in the small settlement of Bridge Pa. Bridge Pa itself includes 70+ residential households, Bridge Pa School,  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Korongata Marae.


Mangaroa Marae, est. 1984, can be found on Raukawa Road.

The Mangaroa Marae comprises of four free standing buildings.

A wharekai (dining hall), a wharenui (meeting house), which acts as the focal point of the marae and the Wharepaku (ablution block), with toilets, showers and laundry facilities.


The Mangaroa Kōhanga Reo also stands on the south end of the 1.65 acre property.

Find us at:

3 Raukawa Road, Bridge Pa, Hastings

Phone: 06-8797-514

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